SilvioGiancola / TrackingNet-devkit

Development kit for TrackingNet
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Same as "There is no YAML file in zip you uploaded" #13

Closed songdejia closed 4 years ago

songdejia commented 4 years ago

Hi there, I have seen same issue was closed recently, but no solution. Today same problem happens, our result is Thanks in advance.

SilvioGiancola commented 4 years ago

Hi, I run your submission on the server without any issue. Could you please send me a screenshot of your error? I guess you are in the same team than the previous issue, since you are getting exactly the same results:

        Precision 66.4294402491
        NormalizedPrecision 78.844017693
        Success 72.6283813851

Are you exceeding your quota of submission? what's your team/user ID? We can connect on SLACK if you want.

SilvioGiancola commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your email with the pictures. You don't have to create a challenge, but to participate to a challenge.

Go to "AI Challenges" -> "TrackingNet" and follow the instructions from there.