SilvioGiancola / TrackingNet-devkit

Development kit for TrackingNet
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Permission denied #15

Closed iminfine closed 4 years ago

iminfine commented 4 years ago

I face the problem as downloading about 50 files: Permission denied:, Maybe you need to change permission over 'Anyone with the link'? And it will be normal 3 hours later with the same IP, while other IPs are normal but still can not download more than 50 files which means this problem is not just an exception. What a pain! It seems that will take me a few months to get the training data on a cluster๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚.

Could you please fix this problem or provide big zip files(make one chunk as a zip file)?

lemmersj commented 4 years ago

This is addressed in #2 . The developer response is that Google drive has a download limit that keeps getting exceeded. That doesn't help you download the dataset, but that's what's going on.

For the record, I gave up on downloading it about a month ago after a week of trying. I was just checking to see if someone had uploaded a mirror yet. Perhaps someday :smile: .

iminfine commented 4 years ago

This is addressed in #2 . The developer response is that Google drive has a download limit that keeps getting exceeded. That doesn't help you download the dataset, but that's what's going on.

For the record, I gave up on downloading it about a month ago after a week of trying. I was just checking to see if someone had uploaded a mirror yet. Perhaps someday ๐Ÿ˜„ .

You should keep trying. Sometimes, I could download hundreds of files. Finally, I got what I need (Test data and Train0 to Train3) last week.