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Vision of Perfection Procs HUGE Adrenaline Rush Duration during Stealth #1168

Open Squirlness opened 5 months ago

Squirlness commented 5 months ago

Game Version:

10.2.5 live Build 53162


The Heart of Azeroth Essence "Vision of Perfection" adds tens of minutes to the duration of Adrenaline Rush when it procs during a Stealth window with Underhanded Upperhand talented.


Vision of Perfection says it should add 25% of the base duration of Adrenaline Rush when it procs. I believe this is interacting with the "pausing" behavior (it just makes buffs super long) of the talent Underhanded Upperhand in an unintended way and adding WAY more time to the buff than it should.

I should also note that the buff persists through a lot of actions (swapping the neck, changing zones, entering a raid...), but re-casting Adrenaline Rush will set the duration back to 20s. I assume this bug is not able to be abused for additional DPS because of this fact. AR uptime is already 80-90% a lot of the time and actually pressing the button is important to gain the effects of Loaded Dice and Improved Adrenaline Rush.

Logs, Images, Videos

AR Forever

That's a 42-minute Adrenaline Rush buff (no stealth buffs are active; it is not a malfunctioning WeakAura).




Equip the Heart of Azeroth with Vision of Perfection, go to a BFA zone so the Heart of Azeroth functions, and hit a dummy until Vision of Perfection procs during a stealth window.