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Idol of C'Thun will spawn on your current target instead of the one Void Torrent was cast on #1202

Open seanpeters86 opened 2 weeks ago

seanpeters86 commented 2 weeks ago

Game Version: 11.0.0 beta Build 55288

Description: This is similar to Entropic Rift, but currently Idol of C'Thun procs respect your hard target instead of the target of Void Torrent.

So if you cast Void Torrent with a mouseover macro on Target B, but are still targeted Target A, Idol of C'Thun will always proc on Target A.

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Reproducible: yes


  1. Target something
  2. Mouseover Void Torrent a different target
  3. Notice Idol of C'Thun targets your hard target