Instagram Clone React Native Tutorial 2021 👨💻 I'll show you how you can do this in the simplest way and terms possible. By the end of this series you'll have learned how the big companies do it and will be able to do the same, you not only will be able to do this app, but you'll be able to put what you learn into your very own projects! In this series, we use React Native with Expo to quickly deploy the project. We use firebase for all our microservice needs like the auth system, database, storage, amongst others. firebase, redux, react native, javascript, expo. In this series, we'll use all of them and you'll learn them by doing an iconic app. Welcome to this Simcoder project and make an Instagram Clone!
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it shows 'No Firebase App '[DEFAULT]' has been created - call Firebase App.initializeApp() (app/no-app)', after I click the sign up button(in my copy) #25
Hello Woondeer! If you still have this issue, make sure that you download the firebase package from npm and then import it as follows: import firebase from 'firebase' and not import * as firebase from firebase'. I hope this fixes your issue :)
I tried to make a instagram clone like yours and I am facing this issue