SimVascular / svFSIplus

This repository contains a line-by-line conversion of the Fortran svFSI solver to C++.
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Test on Apple Silicon #176

Open mrp089 opened 4 months ago

mrp089 commented 4 months ago


We're only testing on macOS 12 with Intel CPUs. However, most developers and users have switched to Apple Silicon (M1-3). It would be great to also test on this platform.


As of today, GitHub supports runners with Apple Silicon M1 under macOS 14. We need to add macos-14 to our matrix in our test runs-on key.

Additional context

Depends on resolving #137 and #173.

Code of Conduct

mrp089 commented 3 months ago

It turns out that the available GitHub runner macos-14 is not Apple Silicon. That is currently in beta and rumored to come in 2024.