SimVascular / svFSIplus

This repository contains a line-by-line conversion of the Fortran svFSI solver to C++.
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Docker containers for continuous integration on Ubuntu #211

Open MatteoSalvador opened 2 months ago

MatteoSalvador commented 2 months ago

Use Case

Docker containers with pre-installed libraries for different Linux distributions are essential for stability and to keep the tests for continuous integration (CI) updated with the latest available features.


Keeping old libraries around may results in crashes during CI. Furthermore, it does not allow for developers to exploit the latest features and performance of the linked libraries (e.g. VTK) in svFSIplus.


Introduce docker containers for Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04.

Alternatives considered

Installing libraries from apt install directly. This is error prone when the pipeline runs and does not guarantee updated libraries.

Additional context

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