SimVascular / svZeroDSolver-Archived

A Python lumped-parameter solver for blood flow and pressure in hemodynamic networks
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Setup CI/CD on Github #57

Closed richterjakob closed 2 years ago

richterjakob commented 2 years ago

The GitHub CI/CD (or "Actions") can be used to implement testing frameworks directly on Github. One can define certain jobs that are excecuted on push, pull-request, or other events. It is commonly used for:

The easiest one to implement is a testing framework using pytest. In contrast to the currently used tool travis, a testing framework using pytest and Github actions is free and directly integrated into the Github GUI (see "Actions" tab). Morover, a coverage report in html format is generated and published as an artifact to be downloaded if desired (shows which LOCs are covered in tests and which are not)

Interested parties


richterjakob commented 2 years ago

Implemented in PR #58