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commaSpace - do not lint comments #392

Open charlierudolph opened 7 years ago

charlierudolph commented 7 years ago

Currently the commaSpace rule is being applied to comments

&:nth-of-type(2n+1) // matches 1,3,5,7 etc
eddiemonge commented 7 years ago

Have you tried

&:nth-of-type(2n+1) /* matches 1,3,5,7 etc */
eddiemonge commented 7 years ago

ping @charlierudolph

SimenB commented 7 years ago

Both should work, help appreciated!

PalleZingmark commented 6 years ago

I can see that we already strip out strings so we don't get false positives with commas in strings. Should be possible to use the same approach with line comments.



var removeQuotesRe = /(["'])(?:(?=(\\?))\2.)*?\1/g
var removeCommentRe = /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/|([^\\:]|^)\/\/.*$/gm


// just strip content between quotes and inline comments, leave rest of syntax intact
// this is so we don't get false positives with , in strings and inline comments
var trimmedLine = origLine.replace( removeQuotesRe, '""' ).trim()

if ( this.state.hasComment ) {
    trimmedLine = trimmedLine.replace( removeCommentRe, '$1' ).trim()
