SimenB / stylint

Improve your Stylus code with Stylint
GNU General Public License v2.0
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customProperties - not ignoring values in .stylintrc file #400

Closed cjpete closed 7 years ago

cjpete commented 7 years ago

Stylintrc file:

    "blocks": false,
    "brackets": "never",
    "colons": "never",
    "colors": "always",
    "commaSpace": "always",
    "commentSpace": "always",
    "cssLiteral": "never",
    "customProperties": ["lost-utility"],
    "depthLimit": false,
    "duplicates": true,
    "efficient": "always",
    "exclude": [],
    "extendPref": false,
    "globalDupe": false,
    "groupOutputByFile": true,
    "indentPref": false,
    "leadingZero": false,
    "maxErrors": false,
    "maxWarnings": false,
    "mixed": false,
    "mixins": [],
    "namingConvention": false,
    "namingConventionStrict": false,
    "none": false,
    "noImportant": true,
    "parenSpace": false,
    "placeholders": "always",
    "prefixVarsWithDollar": "always",
    "quotePref": false,
    "reporterOptions": {
        "columns": ["lineData", "severity", "description", "rule"],
        "columnSplitter": "  ",
        "showHeaders": false,
        "truncate": true
    "semicolons": "never",
    "sortOrder": false,
    "stackedProperties": "never",
    "trailingWhitespace": "never",
    "universal": false,
    "valid": true,
    "zeroUnits": "never",
    "zIndexNormalize": false


    lost-utility clearfix

Still getting the following error in the linting output:

valid warning property is not valid

cjpete commented 7 years ago

This is resolved - I just re-read the documentation and noticed that mixins and customProperties are aliases - I assume that the empty mixins array lower in the config was overriding the settings above.