SimenCodes / heads-up

Heads-up notifications - Get the new heads-up notifications from Android Lollipop on any device, for free!
GNU General Public License v3.0
178 stars 60 forks source link

Not able to capture notification pop-up using uiAutomator #119

Open tadesushilgithub opened 8 years ago

tadesushilgithub commented 8 years ago


We are using Heads up notification in our application and we have bunch of Automated test scenario's but we are not able to write any automation script for capturing head-up notification. Is there any way can enable pop-up elements to be access by uiAutomator? so that we can write some automation test.

tadesushilgithub commented 8 years ago

Can anyone please help me on this?

SimenCodes commented 8 years ago


Heads-up isn't supported anymore, please see the announcement on the front page.
