SimenCodes / heads-up

Heads-up notifications - Get the new heads-up notifications from Android Lollipop on any device, for free!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Not showing new notifications #94

Closed srancier closed 9 years ago

srancier commented 9 years ago

If I recieve an email notification in the app, Nine, the previous unread email shows in the notification instead of the new email message. This did not function like this prior to your last update. I will have to go to a new notification app if it doesn't get fixed. I absolutely do not want to do this as I love your app. By the way, I have a rooted Nexus 6 with latest Euphoria ROM 5.1.1.

SimenCodes commented 9 years ago

Hi, Does this happen if you turn off compact mode as well? It might also be a bug, I'll check the changelog and see if I changed anything in the last update that might be related.

SimenCodes commented 9 years ago

No response, closing