SimformSolutionsPvtLtd / flutter_calendar_view

A Flutter package allows you to easily implement all calendar UI and calendar event functionality. 👌🔝🎉
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If I add an event to a range period, can the event be displayed as a single widget? #395

Closed ChangDaeJeon closed 3 months ago

ChangDaeJeon commented 3 months ago

I am gratefully using flutter_calendar_view.

When implementing a calendar and adding an event to the range period (for example, 12 to 16 days), currently, cellBuilder is used to show the event title for each cell, but as shown in the picture below, one block and event title are added to the range period. Is it possible to implement this?


I tried several times, but the event name was divided into each cell and displayed, but it does not appear as exactly one title.

Please give me suggestions!