While testing the pynml -channelanalysis generated variable plots for conversions of Migliore et al 2005 Transient Sodium channels (NaxSH0 and NaxSH10) to NeuroML2 I found that plotting the gate variables the time course curves did not match precisely the equation plotted using numpy/matplotlib:
A better match was achieved if a calculated value was used for the Q10 temperature adjustment rather than equation:
The peak of the time course is now accurately matched but the match is not so good at higher positive membrane potentials. It is likely that different rounding criteria in the different methods of calculations will produce slightly different values for the Q10 temperature adjustment. But it is not known if this can fully explain the differences. The ipython notebook comparing the Q10 equation and calculated value can be found here: https://github.com/Simon-at-Ely/NML2_Test/blob/master/iAMC_Fig10H3T/Nax_if_else_issue.ipynb and the full set of gate variable comparisons for the Migliore channels can be found here: https://github.com/Simon-at-Ely/NML2_Test/blob/master/iAMC_Fig10H3T/generated_NML2_gate_variables.ipynb (after the BK channel comparisons).
While testing the pynml -channelanalysis generated variable plots for conversions of Migliore et al 2005 Transient Sodium channels (NaxSH0 and NaxSH10) to NeuroML2 I found that plotting the gate variables the time course curves did not match precisely the equation plotted using numpy/matplotlib: A better match was achieved if a calculated value was used for the Q10 temperature adjustment rather than equation: The peak of the time course is now accurately matched but the match is not so good at higher positive membrane potentials. It is likely that different rounding criteria in the different methods of calculations will produce slightly different values for the Q10 temperature adjustment. But it is not known if this can fully explain the differences. The ipython notebook comparing the Q10 equation and calculated value can be found here: https://github.com/Simon-at-Ely/NML2_Test/blob/master/iAMC_Fig10H3T/Nax_if_else_issue.ipynb and the full set of gate variable comparisons for the Migliore channels can be found here: https://github.com/Simon-at-Ely/NML2_Test/blob/master/iAMC_Fig10H3T/generated_NML2_gate_variables.ipynb (after the BK channel comparisons).