SimonBrazell / privacy-redirect

A simple web extension that redirects Twitter, YouTube, Instagram & Google Maps requests to privacy friendly alternatives.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.02k stars 111 forks source link

Add traduction open source redirect #177

Open wuniversales opened 3 years ago

wuniversales commented 3 years ago

Allow to change the google translator (And other closed-code translators) by open source translators such as...


SimonBrazell commented 3 years ago

Hi @wuniversales this is a good suggestion, I wasn't aware of libretranslate, I'll have to give it a try next time I need to translate something.

Realistically I won't be able to implement this for quite some time though as there are many other issues that need attention here and my time is fairly limited lately. PRs are welcome though.


ghost commented 3 years ago <-- Google frontend

To be clear, it isn't merely a Google frontend. It also supports LibreTranslate ( is broken in this regard because requires an API key now, but we're working on this). There are also plans to add DeepL support in the future, but no guarantees.

xanoni commented 3 years ago


See this PR:

Unfortunately, not working.