SimonDanisch / Bonito.jl

Serving JS to the browser
MIT License
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export_static loads bundled JavaScript from incorrect location #243

Open renespoerer opened 1 month ago

renespoerer commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure whether this is an issue with WGLMakie or with Bonito.

After exporting routes with WGLMakie plots to a directory with export_static(folder::String, routes::Routes), the bundled WGLMakie JavaScript is loaded from bonito/js/bonito/js/wglmakie.bundled.js instead of the correct bonito/js/wglmakie.bundled.js, causing an error and failing to display the plots.

using Bonito, WGLMakie

plotApp = App() do

export_static("export", Routes("plotApp" => plotApp))