SimonDanisch / Bonito.jl

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Make Bonito slider emit event only if mousedrag stops #256

Open baxmittens opened 9 hours ago

baxmittens commented 9 hours ago

Hi there,

in the following example, the update should only take place after releasing the slider and not on any change. Is that possible?

using Bonito
using WGLMakie
import Bonito.TailwindDashboard as D

app = App() do session::Session
    sliders = [Bonito.Slider(-1:.1:1, value=0.0) for i = 1:6]
    vals = map!(Observable{Any}(), map(x->x.value, sliders)...) do x...
        return [x...]
    f = Figure(size=(1000,200))
    ax = Axis(f[1,1])
    scatter!(ax, 1:6, vals) 
        sliderdiv(slider) = DOM.div(slider, "value: ", slider.value)
    flexrow = D.FlexCol(map(sliderdiv,sliders))
    return DOM.div(flexrow, f)

I appreciate any help you can give me. Greetz max

SimonDanisch commented 7 hours ago

You could do something like this:

slider_val = Observable(0.0; ignore_equal_values=true)
onany(, slider.value) do mb, val  
    if mb.action == Mouse.release 
        slicer_val[] = val
baxmittens commented 6 hours ago

I altered my example

using Bonito
using WGLMakie
import Bonito.TailwindDashboard as D

app = App() do session::Session
    sliders = [Bonito.Slider(-1:.1:1, value=0.0) for i = 1:6]

    f = Figure(size=(1000,200))
    ax = Axis(f[1,1])

    slider_vals1 = map!(Observable{Any}(), map(x->x.value, sliders)...) do x...
        return [x...]
    slider_vals2 = map!(Observable{Any}(), map(x->x.value, sliders)...) do x...
        return [x...]
    onany(, slider_vals2) do mb, val     
                if mb.action == Mouse.release 
                  slider_vals1[] = val

    scatter!(ax, 1:6, slider_vals1) 
        sliderdiv(slider) = DOM.div(slider, "value: ", slider.value)
    flexrow = D.FlexCol(map(sliderdiv,sliders))
    return DOM.div(flexrow, f)

But this also doesn't work. It seems like since the sliders are not part of the scene the event Makie.MouseButtonEvent(Makie.Mouse.left, Makie.Mouse.release) is triggered each time I change a slider.

Another solution would be to use Makie.Slider but there I do not know how to register an interaction on a slider because it is no Axis. If I could do so, I could watch for the leftdragstop event.