Open gszep opened 3 years ago
i would like a toggle as well. happy to help develop the code if someone can point me in the right direction.
my use case, is to retain the interactivity of this static HTML:
using WGLMakie, Bonito
using Downloads, FileIO
page = Page(offline=true, exportable=true)
app = Bonito.App() do session::Session
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
toggles = [Toggle(fig, active = active) for active in [true, false]]
labels = [Label(fig, lift(x -> x ? "$l visible" : "$l invisible",
for (t, l) in zip(toggles, ["sine", "cosine"])]
fig[1, 2] = grid!(hcat(toggles, labels), tellheight = false)
line1 = lines!(0..10, sin, color = :blue, visible = false)
line2 = lines!(0..10, cos, color = :red)
connect!(line1.visible, toggles[1].active)
connect!(line2.visible, toggles[2].active)
return Bonito.record_states(session, DOM.div(fig))
open("toggle-legend.html", "w") do io
println(io, "<head></head><body>")
show(io, MIME"text/html"(), app)
println(io, "</body></html>")
i'd be happy to replace the toggles with checkboxes, but the former is only in Makie and the latter only in Bonito. which is it easier to add?
How would I go about implementing a simple toggle switch and bind it to an observable? Like