SimonFisher92 / Scottish_Snow

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Interactive display using sentinelhub + streamlit + folium #17

Closed murraycutforth closed 9 months ago

murraycutforth commented 9 months ago

I've built on top of @EddieBoyle2019's streamlit app, so that you can select a snow patch and a date, and then the imagery is displayed as an overlay on a terrain map, using a python package called folium to get interactive maps.

Currently looks like this:


It's good fun to play around with, although I haven't managed to get the cloud mask option to work (still need to look into the error which it raises). But the overlay looks correct, you can see snow patches sitting below ridge lines and in gullies which is very satisfying!

I'll park this on a new branch for now. It should be easy to get running, just pip install the extra packages in the requirements.txt file and then run streamlit run

EddieBoyle2019 commented 9 months ago

Hello Murray, this is pretty much exactly what I was going to do in the next iteration of the prototype! Your dev work looks great.

murraycutforth commented 9 months ago

I'm going to close this for now, see also: