Open u01ser opened 4 years ago
What versions of ionic and angular are you using? Are you using it with innerHTML
, as this is not supported.
i got this error too,
Can't bind to 'size' since it isn't a known property of 'ion-title'.
- If 'ion-title' is an Angular component and it has 'size' input, then verify that it is part of this module.
- If 'ion-title' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message.
- To allow any property add 'NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component. (" <ion-title [ERROR ->][size]="titleSize">{{ title }} "): ng:///NgxIonicImageViewerModule/ViewerModalComponent.html@7:15
this is my package in package.json
"ngx-ionic-image-viewer": "^0.7.4",
and here is my ionic project details
Ionic CLI : 6.14.0 (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@ionic/cli) Ionic Framework : @ionic/angular 4.7.1 @angular-devkit/build-angular : 0.803.29 @angular-devkit/schematics : 8.3.29 @angular/cli : 8.2.0 @ionic/angular-toolkit : 2.0.0
Cordova CLI : 10.0.0 Cordova Platforms : android 9.0.0 Cordova Plugins : cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard 2.1.3, cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 3.1.2, (and 27 other plugins)
I have this error
compiler.js:2175 Uncaught Error: Template parse errors: Can't bind to 'size' since it isn't a known property of 'ion-title'.
How can i fixed this problem? I tried to use in app.module.ts CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA and NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA but the error persist