SimonWaldherr / passkit.php

a php function to create passes for Apple Passbook
61 stars 14 forks source link

test the Lib under iOS 11 and macOS High Sierra #9

Open SimonWaldherr opened 6 years ago

SimonWaldherr commented 6 years ago

test the Lib under iOS 11 and macOS High Sierra and add the results to the readme

### Tested with

* Clienthardware
    * iPhone 4
    * iPhone 4s
    * iPhone 5s
yasirgit62 commented 5 years ago

I have used the library to create the pass. I have created the .pkpass file successfully. when i open the .pkpass file in my android mobile it ask me to open .pkpass file with which application so i choose the pass2u android wallet app to open the pass and it create the pass successfully. But my question is that when we create the pass in the different pass creator websites they will give a qr code that we scan with the mobile wallet app and pass will install in the app . how to do this that i give the qe code so that users can scan from their mobileapplication.

And the second thing is that how to update the pass so that automatically in installed passes in different users mobiles will update and how to count the no of pass install and uninstalls

I am in very trouble . Please solve my problem

mofolo commented 5 years ago

@yasirgit62 .pkpass will only work with Apple wallet compatible devices. The Apple wallet store the entire pass on the device, however Google/Android use their API to manage Passes for devices. All the information can be found here:

yasirgit62 commented 5 years ago

@mofolo brother thanks alot for your help . i have done all with the help around the internet. but one thing remaining how to update the pass that is installed in android or ios phone. can anyone help me

mofolo commented 5 years ago

@yasirgit62 no problem. This is a little tricker to explain. From all my reading it looks like Apple uses the APN in order to keep track of pass updates. So you need to send a push notification to the APN, which will then trigger the iOS device to download the pkpass file again in order to trigger the upgrade

This is where Google has the upper hand, the Android API makes it a lot easier, you just have to push the data to the API and Google's servers handles all the Passkit rendering and updating. Easy.

I'm still unsure of exactly how to implement the Passkit for Apple devices, but it's definitely a lot more complex than Android.