Simple-Station / Einstein-Engines

A Space Station 14 upstream repository, inspired by Baystation12.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Mirror 26421: Nerf ninja research stealing #446

Open SimpleStation14 opened 2 weeks ago

SimpleStation14 commented 2 weeks ago

Mirror of PR #26421: Nerf ninja research stealing from space-wizards space-wizards/space-station-14


PR opened by EmoGarbage404 at 2024-03-25 01:44:21 UTC - merged at 2024-03-26 00:52:27 UTC

PR changed 4 files with 75 additions and 8 deletions.

The PR had the following labels:

Original Body

> > > > ## About the PR > > Changes ninja gloves to steal a flat rate of techs instead of wiping all of them. > Additionally adjusts the objective to require 1 to 2 steals to reach the target amount. > > ## Why / Balance > > Ninja's stealing research was previously an extremely trivial and annoying objective. For them, you can pretty easily break into the server room and wait out the 20 second doafter. It's not super hard and you're not exactly shooting off warning signs. At this very low cost, science loses literally an hour+ of progress. > > This nerf changes it to only remove 4-8 random technologies, or only about 20k to 40k points worth. This is still pretty crippling but not awful. On top of that, they need to do it twice to hit the target amounts of 9 to 12 techs stolen. This provides counterplay by actually giving science a chance to see that all their research has vanished before the ninja is already gone. It also makes it significantly harder for ninja to obliterate everything science has done. > > ## Media > > > - [x] I have added screenshots/videos to this PR showcasing its changes ingame, **or** this PR does not require an ingame showcase > > ## Breaking changes > > > **Changelog** > > > :cl: > - tweak: Ninjas no longer wipe all technologies when using their gloves on a research server. >