Simple-Station / Einstein-Engines

A Space Station 14 upstream repository, inspired by Baystation12.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Mirror 26441: Fix atmos NaN error #449

Closed SimpleStation14 closed 2 weeks ago

SimpleStation14 commented 2 weeks ago

Mirror of PR #26441: Fix atmos NaN error from space-wizards space-wizards/space-station-14


PR opened by ElectroJr at 2024-03-26 04:27:08 UTC - merged at 2024-03-26 04:44:56 UTC

PR changed 16 files with 43 additions and 25 deletions.

The PR had the following labels:

Original Body

> - Fixes a bug I introduced in #22521 that caused the temperature to be set to `NaN`. I don't know for sure, but I assume this is causing the current atmos issues > - Fixes `FixVacuum` not working after #22521 > - Removes some redundant yaml that was setting FixVacuum to its default value > > :cl: > - fix: Fixed an atmos bug, which was (probably) causing atmospherics on the station to behave incorrectly.