Simple-Station / Einstein-Engines

A Space Station 14 upstream repository, inspired by Baystation12.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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The Great HitBox'ening #461

Open VMSolidus opened 1 week ago

VMSolidus commented 1 week ago

This is Part 2 of #460 and #342. Since we are going to be adding fixture overrides to every object in the game, I would like for separate PRs afterwards to also address hitboxes for said items that have had their mass adjusted. Fixture components handle both collisions and mass calculations. The reasons I ask for this are similarly related to physics systems, and 99% of all objects in the game are secretly a circle with a diameter of ~1 meter. This is somewhat stupid, but also understandable in the game's context. But this doesn't have to be the case. I would like for objects to have hitboxes that are at least somewhat more accurate to their shape, specifically because I think it would help with making physics interactions more interesting. Most of these objects don't collide with players, and instead only collide with walls. If a gas tank has a hitbox shaped like its actual sprite, it's going to bounce in significantly more interesting ways. Things like floor tiles having square hitboxes instead of circle hitboxes would also make them more interesting too.