Simple-Station / Einstein-Engines

A Space Station 14 upstream repository, inspired by Baystation12.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Add Item Transfer System #475

Closed Spatison closed 1 week ago

Spatison commented 1 week ago


This PR adds the ability to transfer objects from hand to hand, as in SS13. I have little coding experience, so my solutions may not be ideal.





github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

RSI Diff Bot; head commit b5a1617a2a8cf929f3e0165eb7da1caf6b52a43e merging into b04fb6136ea182ffde1a38d4480196d794ad9d51 This PR makes changes to 1 or more RSIs. Here is a summary of all changes:


| State | Old | New | Status | --- | --- | --- | --- | | give_item | ![]() | ![]( | Added

Edit: diff updated after b5a1617a2a8cf929f3e0165eb7da1caf6b52a43e

DEATHB4DEFEAT commented 1 week ago

Very cool.

DangerRevolution commented 1 week ago

Hello, can I edit this PR to be more accurate in English? You can send me the Russian version of what you want this post to say and I can try accurately translate :)