Simple-Station / Einstein-Engines

A Space Station 14 upstream repository, inspired by Baystation12.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Cherrypick "Shoot Over Bodies" And Related PRs #479

Closed VMSolidus closed 6 days ago

VMSolidus commented 1 week ago


This is a manual cherry-pick of the following PRs:

I REQUIRE these for my work in PR #11 , and cannot complete said PR without these cherry-picks. This set of PRs from Wizden adds a feature where entities can selectively opt-out of being shot at unless a player intentionally targets them, which I can use as a simple and elegant solution to one of the largest glaring issues for Segmented Entities. I could simply give Lamia segments the new RequireProjectileTargetComponent, which adds them to the system. Future segmented entities such as the hypothetical "Heretic Worm" may or may not use this feature, depending on their intended implementation.

DangerRevolution commented 1 week ago

Copy the bodies over from the previous PR's; so whoever comes looking doesn't have to dive down several links (and because I also don't want to dive down these links)

VMSolidus commented 1 week ago

Copy the bodies over from the previous PR's; so whoever comes looking doesn't have to dive down several links (and because I also don't want to dive down these links)

Yea I just checked, I actually can't do that.