Closed DannyAustralia closed 10 years ago
MMm. This should be possible. You would the popup is not present as a separate element, but you should be able to set the file location to the input element and upload it.
Could you add the snippet of HTML in that contains the actual file upload element? Op 5 dec. 2013 02:27 schreef "DannyAustralia"
I am trying to upload a file with the browse box popup. Normally when webdriver has loaded firefox I type:
But with Simple browser I get this error: "Can only set the Value attribute for select, textarea and input elements"
Is there a way to do this with simpleBrowser?
Hope this question is in the right place. Thanks to all for making SimpleBrowser available.
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Hi Thanks for your response. Sorry I was so slow getting back to you, been so busy.I'm not sure what you mean sorry, I'm new to programming. I think the button is embedded in JavaScript (or something). I just thought I could still do it because the HTML View in Visual studio still displays a browse button that is clickable. But when I past the HTML into an online HTML editing program the button is not clickable. I will try to use fiddler to figure out how to post a request to the server. Don't know if it will work. Would appreciate any input you might have. In case you are still interested to see the HTML code I will past it below. The Id of the button to click is "addImgs", although in firefox I have to use regex to get another id in a child node that is always changing(but that code is missing in SimpleBrowser). Thanks,Danny
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2013 22:42:45 -0800 From: To: CC: Subject: Re: [SimpleBrowser] Upload with browser popup box? (#77)
MMm. This should be possible. You would the popup is not present as a
separate element, but you should be able to set the file location to the
input element and upload it.
Could you add the snippet of HTML in that contains the actual file upload
Op 5 dec. 2013 02:27 schreef "DannyAustralia"
I am trying to upload a file with the browse box popup.
Normally when webdriver has loaded firefox I type:
But with Simple browser I get this error: "Can only set the Value
attribute for select, textarea and input elements"
Is there a way to do this with simpleBrowser?
Hope this question is in the right place. Thanks to all for making
SimpleBrowser available.
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Hi Danny,
If the solution you are testing relies on javascript, SimpleBrowser is not your tool. There are automated browsers out there that support scripting, but typically not as lightweight as SimpleBrowser is.
However, if we inspect the code you are testing a bit closer, it seems that the solution is designed to also work with non-javascript browsers. It contains this block:
Note the element with id picturesNative? You can use that from SimpleBrowser. You set the value to your local filename and submit the form (by clicking uploadPicture).
Good luck, Teun
2013/12/10 DannyAustralia
Hi Thanks for your response. Sorry I was so slow getting back to you, been so busy.I'm not sure what you mean sorry, I'm new to programming. I think the button is embedded in JavaScript (or something). I just thought I could still do it because the HTML View in Visual studio still displays a browse button that is clickable. But when I past the HTML into an online HTML editing program the button is not clickable. I will try to use fiddler to figure out how to post a request to the server. Don't know if it will work. Would appreciate any input you might have. In case you are still interested to see the HTML code I will past it below. The Id of the button to click is "addImgs", although in firefox I have to use regex to get another id in a child node that is always changing(but that code is missing in SimpleBrowser). Thanks,Danny
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2013 22:42:45 -0800 From: To: CC: Subject: Re: [SimpleBrowser] Upload with browser popup box? (#77)
MMm. This should be possible. You would the popup is not present as a
separate element, but you should be able to set the file location to the
input element and upload it.
Could you add the snippet of HTML in that contains the actual file upload
Op 5 dec. 2013 02:27 schreef "DannyAustralia"
I am trying to upload a file with the browse box popup.
Normally when webdriver has loaded firefox I type:
But with Simple browser I get this error: "Can only set the Value
attribute for select, textarea and input elements"
Is there a way to do this with simpleBrowser?
Hope this question is in the right place. Thanks to all for making
SimpleBrowser available.
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Thanks so much for your help! I really appreciate it. And you even explained how you found the solution, so I can do it in future. Have a good day,Danny
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 09:19:48 -0800 From: To: CC: Subject: Re: [SimpleBrowser] Upload with browser popup box? (#77)
Hi Danny,
If the solution you are testing relies on javascript, SimpleBrowser is not
your tool. There are automated browsers out there that support scripting,
but typically not as lightweight as SimpleBrowser is.
However, if we inspect the code you are testing a bit closer, it seems that
the solution is designed to also work with non-javascript browsers. It
contains this block:
Note the element with id picturesNative? You can use that from
SimpleBrowser. You set the value to your local filename and submit the form
(by clicking uploadPicture).
Good luck,
2013/12/10 DannyAustralia
Hi Thanks for your response. Sorry I was so slow getting back to you, been
so busy.I'm not sure what you mean sorry, I'm new to programming. I think
the button is embedded in JavaScript (or something). I just thought I could
still do it because the HTML View in Visual studio still displays a browse
button that is clickable. But when I past the HTML into an online HTML
editing program the button is not clickable. I will try to use fiddler to
figure out how to post a request to the server. Don't know if it will work.
Would appreciate any input you might have. In case you are still interested
to see the HTML code I will past it below. The Id of the button to click is
"addImgs", although in firefox I have to use regex to get another id in a
child node that is always changing(but that code is missing in
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2013 22:42:45 -0800
Subject: Re: [SimpleBrowser] Upload with browser popup box? (#77)
MMm. This should be possible. You would the popup is not present as a
separate element, but you should be able to set the file location to the
input element and upload it.
Could you add the snippet of HTML in that contains the actual file upload
Op 5 dec. 2013 02:27 schreef "DannyAustralia"
I am trying to upload a file with the browse box popup.
Normally when webdriver has loaded firefox I type:
But with Simple browser I get this error: "Can only set the Value
attribute for select, textarea and input elements"
Is there a way to do this with simpleBrowser?
Hope this question is in the right place. Thanks to all for making
SimpleBrowser available.
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I am trying to upload a file with the browse box popup. Normally when webdriver has loaded firefox I type:
But with Simple browser I get this error: "Can only set the Value attribute for select, textarea and input elements"
Is there a way to do this with simpleBrowser?
Hope this question is in the right place. Thanks to all for making SimpleBrowser available.