SimpleITK / SimpleITKPythonPackage

A setup script to generate a Python Wheels
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Add documentation #4

Closed jcfr closed 8 years ago

jcfr commented 8 years ago

Here are the instruction to build the SimpleITK core first and build the wheel for each flavor python ( on a given platform) reusing the set of static libraries:

  1. Get SimpleITKPythonPackage source
  2. Build SimpleITKPythonPackage with SimpleITKPythonPackage_BUILD_PYTHON set to OFF
  3. Build "flavor" of package using:
python bdist_wheel -- \
  -DSimpleITK_DIR:PATH=/path/to/SimpleITKPythonPackage-core-build/SimpleITK-superbuild/SimpleITK-build \
jcfr commented 8 years ago

Fixed in