SimpleMachines / sphinx-for-smf

Sphinx Search Engine for SMF
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Sphinx config file issues #31

Open asmith20002 opened 1 year ago

asmith20002 commented 1 year ago

Tested on Sphinx 3.6.1

sql_attr_uint is deprecated. attr_uint must be used. Also it should be placed inside index block. Something like this:

index smf_base_index
    html_strip  = 1
    source      = smf_source
    #path       = /some/path 
    min_word_len    = 2
    charset_table   = 0..9, A..Z->a..z, _, a..z

    field = body, subject
    attr_uint = id_topic
    attr_uint = id_board
    attr_uint = id_member
    attr_uint = poster_time
    attr_uint = relevance
    attr_uint = num_replies

Another warning regarding explicit paths:

WARNING: datadir: explicit index 'path' is deprecated; please convert your config to use 'datadir' directive

I just commented paths and used the default datadir to fix it:

    datadir     = ./sphinxdata
jdarwood007 commented 1 year ago

Take a look at #32, it should cleanup the config file warnings with 3.6. SphinxSearch is very hard to read documentation on so this took a little trial and error to get it.