SMP can see/detect .ogg/libopus files but cannot play them.
My installed version is the latest Version from F-Droid, v5.5.1 according to SMP's about-page
It also does not show a picture, only the headphones-symbol.
Info for debugging:
ffmpeg -loglevel "error" -i "$i" -b:a 32k -acodec libopus "smaller/${i/.mp3/.ogg}"
on some common mp3-file
(which can be downloaded using youtube-dl -i --add-metadata -x --metadata-from-title "%(artist)s - %(title)s" --youtube-skip-dash-manifest --audio-format "mp3" --audio-quality 5 --embed-thumbnail "<SomeYouTubeLink>")
SMP can see/detect .ogg/libopus files but cannot play them.
My installed version is the latest Version from F-Droid, v5.5.1 according to SMP's about-page
It also does not show a picture, only the headphones-symbol.
Info for debugging:
ffmpeg -loglevel "error" -i "$i" -b:a 32k -acodec libopus "smaller/${i/.mp3/.ogg}"
on some common mp3-file (which can be downloaded usingyoutube-dl -i --add-metadata -x --metadata-from-title "%(artist)s - %(title)s" --youtube-skip-dash-manifest --audio-format "mp3" --audio-quality 5 --embed-thumbnail "<SomeYouTubeLink>"