SimpleMobileTools / Simple-Notes

A simple textfield for adding quick notes without ads.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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app crashing constantly after opening a new note with a http link #330

Closed nopeppermint closed 4 years ago

nopeppermint commented 4 years ago

Hi My Simple Notes v.6.4.0 is constantly crashing since I added a new note with the following http link:

I am no longer able to open Simple Notes. Is there a way to manually change the database of Simple Notes? Where are the Notes storred on my Phone?

Thanks for your help

It's a Song to be opened with

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<title>iReal Pro</title>
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<br /><br /><h3><a href="irealb://%4D%61%63%6B%20%54%68%65%20%4B%6E%69%66%65=%57%65%69%6C%6C%20%4B%75%72%74==%4D%65%64%69%75%6D%20%53%77%69%6E%67=%42%62==%31%72%33%34%4C%62%4B%63%75%37%37%5E%62%42%7C%34%42%62%5E%39%7C%51%79%58%37%2D%43%7C%51%79%58%37%46%7C%79%51%58%37%2D%43%7C%51%79%58%37%47%7C%51%79%58%46%37%58%79%51%34%54%41%2A%5B%42%7C%51%79%58%62%36%39%58%79%58%37%2D%43%5A%4C%20%6C%63%4B%51%79%58%37%43%2D%5A%4C%20%6C%63%4B%51%79%58%37%2D%47%7C%51%79%51%7C%46%37%42%7C%51%79%58%62%36%58%79%51%7C%46%37%58%79%51%5D%20=%50%6F%70%2D%52%65%67%67%61%65=%30=%31%33">Mack The Knife</a> - Kurt Weill<br /></h3><br />
<br />Made with iReal Pro
<a href=""><img src="" width="25" height="25" hspace="10" alt=""/></a>
<br /><br /><span class="help">- iOS: tippen Sie auf Teilen/Exportieren und wählen Sie Nach iReal Pro kopieren.<br />- Mac: Ziehen Sie die .html Datei auf das iReal Pro App Symbol im Dock.</span><br />
tibbi commented 4 years ago

notes are stored in an internal database, you cannot really get there manually. Ill take a look at it soon.

nopeppermint commented 4 years ago


tibbi commented 4 years ago

will be fixed in 6.4.1 released soon

nopeppermint commented 4 years ago

will be fixed in 6.4.1 released soon

Thanks, but update is not working (installation fails)

Does my data is lost if i uninstall the app?

tibbi commented 4 years ago

ye. You cannot update the app itself? Try clearing your Google Play app cache.

nopeppermint commented 4 years ago

Try clearing your Google Play app cache.

that doesn't help

Does my data is lost if i uninstall the app?

tibbi commented 4 years ago

ye it will be lost. I could reproduce your bug but it got fixed after the update on my device. Maybe try creating some widgets of your notes and copy the data to have some backup.

nopeppermint commented 4 years ago

thanks tibbi I was able to backup it via widget