SimpleMobileTools / Simple-Voice-Recorder

An easy way of recording any discussion or sounds without ads or internet access
GNU General Public License v3.0
434 stars 137 forks source link

FR: stereo recording #187

Open RenanLazarotto opened 1 year ago

RenanLazarotto commented 1 year ago

This is a pretty simple feature request: allow compatible devices to record stereo audio (probably all devices can do this, I guess).

Currently, I'm able to select the audio source. I selected the Android default option, guessing that it would automatically record in stereo, but the resulting file had only one channel.

This is not breaking in any way, but I think it's a nice thing to have, if it's doable.

jorishijmans commented 10 months ago

This would be great (:

PoneyClairDeLune commented 7 months ago

Hello! May I ask if stereo support's on the roadmap yet?

elishamint commented 1 week ago

Especially when the application would be able to combine an external mic and internal mic (even unprocessed) in a stereo recording, this would be an awesome feature that would have it stand out from other recorders.