SimpleNumber / aa_stat

AA_stat tool is for searching uncovering the unexpected modifications of amino acid residues in the protein sequences, as well as possible artifacts of data acquisition or processing, in the results of proteome analyses.
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Error: fix_mod #11

Closed BenSamy2020 closed 2 years ago

BenSamy2020 commented 2 years ago

Greetings @levitsky,

Currently, I am trying to perform AA_Stat analysis using Open Search results. This Open Search was performed as per our discussion via email. The error is as following:

C:\Users\parth>AA_stat --dir D:\MSFragger_Temp\Immunopeptidomics\CRC_Immunopeptidomics\MSFragger_OpenSearch_1_Output\AA_Stat\Output --pepxml D:\MSFragger_Temp\Immunopeptidomics\CRC_Immunopeptidomics\MSFragger_OpenSearch_1_Output\AA_Stat\pepXML --mzml D:\MSFragger_Temp\Immunopeptidomics\CRC_Immunopeptidomics\MSFragger_OpenSearch_1_Output\AA_Stat\mzML --verbosity 3 INFO: [23:46:52] Starting... DEBUG: [23:46:52] Received pepxml list: ['D:\MSFragger_Temp\Immunopeptidomics\CRC_Immunopeptidomics\MSFragger_OpenSearch_1_Output\AA_Stat\pepXML'] DEBUG: [23:46:52] Found 0 files for glob .pepXML DEBUG: [23:46:52] Found 0 files for glob .pep.xml DEBUG: [23:46:52] Final pepxml list: [] DEBUG: [23:46:52] Received mzml list: ['D:\MSFragger_Temp\Immunopeptidomics\CRC_Immunopeptidomics\MSFragger_OpenSearch_1_Output\AA_Stat\mzML'] DEBUG: [23:46:52] Found 0 files for glob *.mzML DEBUG: [23:46:52] Final mzml list: [] DEBUG: [23:46:52] Received args: Namespace(params=None, dir='D:\MSFragger_Temp\Immunopeptidomics\CRC_Immunopeptidomics\MSFragger_OpenSearch_1_Output\AA_Stat\Output', verbosity=3, mgf=None, mzml=[], pepxml=[], csv=None) INFO: [23:46:52] Using default parameters for AA_stat. DEBUG: [23:46:52] defaultdict(None, {'decoy_prefix': '', 'decoy_prefixlist': ['rev', 'DECOY_'], 'FDR': 0.02, 'labels': ['M', 'D', 'Q', 'C', 'L', 'H', 'S', 'R', 'A', 'W', 'Y', 'P', 'F', 'V', 'N', 'T', 'E', 'G', 'I', 'K'], 'rule': 'trypsin', 'csv_delimiter': ',', 'proteins_delimeter': ';', 'proteins_column': 'protein', 'peptides_column': 'peptide', 'mass_shifts_column': 'massdiff', 'score_column': 'expect', 'measured_mass_column': 'precursor_neutral_mass', 'calculated_mass_column': 'calc_neutral_pep_mass', 'rt_column': 'retention_time_sec', 'next_aa_column': 'peptide_next_aa', 'prev_aa_column': 'peptide_prev_aa', 'spectrum_column': 'spectrum', 'charge_column': 'assumed_charge', 'mods_column': 'modifications', 'score_ascending': True, 'bin_width': 0.001, 'so_range': (-500.0, 500.0), 'walking_window': 0.012, 'FDR_correction': True, 'processes': 0, 'zero_window': 0.05, 'prec_acc': 0.01, 'zero bin tolerance': 0.05, 'zero min intensity': 0.05, 'min_peptides_for_mass_calibration': 100, 'specific_mass_shift_flag': False, 'specific_window': [15.975, 16.005], 'figsize': (9.0, 3.5), 'calibration': 'gauss_frequency', 'artefact_thresh': 0.5, 'html_truncate': 80, 'clustering': True, 'eps_adjust': 0.2, 'min_samples': 5.0, 'clustered_pct_min': 0.5, 'cluster_span_min': 0.1, 'shift_error': 10, 'max_deviation_sigma': 0.3, 'max_deviation_height': 0.15, 'fit batch': 900, 'ion_types': ('b', 'y'), 'frag_acc': 0.01, 'candidate threshold': 1.5, 'min_spec_matched': 4, 'force_term_loc': False, 'use_all_loc': False, 'variable_mods': 5, 'multiple_mods': True, 'fix_mod_zero_thresh': 3.0, 'min_fix_mod_pep_count_factor': 2.0, 'recommend isotope threshold': 10.0, 'min_loc_count': 10, 'window': 13, 'bins': array([-500. , -499.999 , -499.998 , ..., 499.99799998, 499.99899998, 499.99999998]), 'output directory': 'D:\MSFragger_Temp\Immunopeptidomics\CRC_Immunopeptidomics\MSFragger_OpenSearch_1_Output\AA_Stat\Output'}) Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\users\parth\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\", line 197, in _run_module_as_main return _run_code(code, main_globals, None, File "c:\users\parth\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\", line 87, in _run_code exec(code, run_globals) File "C:\Users\parth\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\Scripts\", line 7, in File "c:\users\parth\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\AA_stat\", line 43, in main AA_stat.AA_stat(params_dict, args) File "c:\users\parth\appdata\local\programs\python\python39\lib\site-packages\AA_stat\", line 322, in AA_stat logger.debug('Fixed modifications: %s', params_dict['fix_mod']) KeyError: 'fix_mod'

Please do advise me on how to troubleshoot. Thank you.

Regards, Ben

levitsky commented 2 years ago

Hi @BenSamy2020,

There are two issues here. One is the very uninformative error message (I fixed it in the latest commit), the other one is the real problem: AA_stat doesn't find any files in the directory you provided. Are you sure the directory paths are correct and there are pepXML and mzML files in those folders? The command suggests that you have a separate pepXML folder and a mzML folder inside MSFragger_OpenSearch_1_Output\AA_Stat. Can you verify?

BenSamy2020 commented 2 years ago

Greetings @levitsky,

My apologies, I had been feeding the wrong path to AA_Stat, hence not files were detected. I have successfully ran the command.

Once again, my apologies.

Regards, Ben