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In membership sites: A way to make weekly Q&As possible #257

Open ingjerd123 opened 6 years ago

ingjerd123 commented 6 years ago

I wanna move my weekly Q&As from Facebook to Simplero (if I can find a good way to do it).

I have a few ideas that could make it possible.


Alternative 1: autopublish forum posts

One possibility is to use the forum. But my weekly Q&As are not for everyone who has access to my membership sites, which means I cannot use the forum. If the forum would allow posts to be autopublished, so only the people I chose could have access to the post, that would solve the problem.

* Alternative 2: autopublish blog posts

The same as alternative 1 but with blog posts in stead of forum posts


Alternative 3: Hide individual courses from "course catalog"

Then I could create a new course that allows commenting and just create a new lesson for every Q&A. But this wouldn't be a real course, so I would like for it not to show up under "featured courses". I want to put the "entrance" somewhere else.


Alternative 4: Turn on/off commenting for individual lessons in a course

Another way to do it would be to have one lesson in the actual course where people can post their questions as a comment. Then I can autopublish a new Q&A lesson every week for those who have access to the Q&As.

I don't want to allow comments on lessons in general


Alternative 5: Allow comments on individual pages

another way would be to allow comments on individual pages in the membership sites.


Alternative 6: An actual Q&A page

Of course the coolest would be if Simplero made a real Q&A page thing where you can turn on/off access as you prefer. :-)

calvincorreli commented 6 years ago

This points to an issue with membership sites. The whole idea was that a membership site is for one group of people, so you can just post to the forum weekly and have people do Q&A there. It was never intended for membership sites to be used in this way where what different people see differ wildly depending on what they've purchased. Since this is something people seem to want to do, it's something we'll have to address, but for the now, the solutions it to host different groups of people in different membership sites.

ingjerd123 commented 6 years ago

I understand, thanks for the reply

I think I'll stick to only one membership site because it means only one place to update. Also, when it comes to Q&As, I'd like to give people the option to buy extra Q&As without having to switch sites. I have no problem sticking with Facebook for Q&As for now, and hopefully there will be some possibilities in Simplero later

ingjerd123 commented 6 years ago

Hi Calvin, I have moved my weekly Q&As from Facebook to Simplero now. I did it by creating a new membership site only for this, and it is working quite well.

Here is my Q&A site:

And here is an example of a Q&A:

The big advantage Q&As in Simplero gives that Facebook cannot, is the possibility to make it all automated so I don't have to give 200 people access manually and then remove the access after some months - I have an automation for that. So I'm very happy with this solution. Only thing missing would be the option to follow your own comments, as mentioned in issue 165