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Better control over "Following" in Forums #296

Open andersronnau opened 6 years ago

andersronnau commented 6 years ago

Right now you can Follow Everything, Follow Staff or Unfollow Everything.

The problem is that some threads are interesting and some threads are not.

I have recently started a forum that is turning out to be quite active, and I fear that people are so overwhelmed by the number of emails they get, that they end up Unfollowing which in turn will kill the natural conversation in the forum.

I am a member of a paid forum - which is built on Vanilla Forums - where I have the option to Follow All Thread Starters. This gives me an email (and in-forum notification) with the content of the first post in a new thread/discussion, but not all the comments on the thread. If I want those, I have to click a link in the email to get to the thread and click a small star that means Follow This Thread.

It is such a relief in a forum with many threads and many replies.

So, I would like more granular options for following in forums. Specifically, I'd like the Follow All New Posts (but not comments) - and the option to follow comments.

This could naturally be followed up by a link somewhere to all the posts that you follow, so you can navigate more easily.

ingjerd123 commented 6 years ago

I vote for this, and the same for comments on blog posts (especially the option to follow a chosen comment with the replies to that)