Currently, when you use either an Order Bump or an Upsell on a product, the only payment processors that will be available are those that allow for Auto-Charge - which is usually Stripe and CC.
However, many customers will to pay via PayPal or even Wire for bigger amounts,
and WE wish to use the cool bumper offers and upsells/downsells for what Simplero is great,
So please give us the possibility to do at least One-Off charges with combinations of products on
PayPal (very high prio)
Logic would be - if all products in the mix offered (bumpers, upsells, downsells) can be
paid via a single payment, then allow Wire+PayPal - because that would work.
Would also be cool to display the result of that logic and IF someone adds a bumper to a product but has PayPal/Wire enabled, clearly warn him that those would not be available anymore... we struggled with the confusion that they suddenly disappeared quite often in the past year or so.
Although I do not currently need this feature, I could very likely be needing this, so if this would not put all other development on a hault for a couple of years, haha - then you have my vote for it...
Currently, when you use either an Order Bump or an Upsell on a product, the only payment processors that will be available are those that allow for Auto-Charge - which is usually Stripe and CC.
However, many customers will to pay via PayPal or even Wire for bigger amounts, and WE wish to use the cool bumper offers and upsells/downsells for what Simplero is great, SELLING.
So please give us the possibility to do at least One-Off charges with combinations of products on
Logic would be - if all products in the mix offered (bumpers, upsells, downsells) can be paid via a single payment, then allow Wire+PayPal - because that would work.
Would also be cool to display the result of that logic and IF someone adds a bumper to a product but has PayPal/Wire enabled, clearly warn him that those would not be available anymore... we struggled with the confusion that they suddenly disappeared quite often in the past year or so.
thanks so much Calvin and Team, you rock!