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Automated videos #427

Open lauragrubbdk opened 5 years ago

lauragrubbdk commented 5 years ago


My courses consists of many small videoes (of 1-10 min duration) and it would be great if it could be possible for my users to stream them automatically - kind of like it is done on youtube and Netflix (where the next video starts a few seconds after the first one ends).

As it is right now, the user has to click several times to get to the next video, and when they only last a few minutes that can be a hassle.

Udemy (an online course platform) has this integrated and it works really well. It gives the user a chance to take in the information in smaller sizes rather than being overwhelmed by a 1-hour video.

I really hope you can integrate this service since I prefer to keep my videos short.

Thanks, Laura

calvincorreli commented 5 years ago

Sounds useful. We'll have a look at Udemy and see what we can come up with. It's not going to be in the immediate future, but definitely something we're interested in looking into.

tueolesen commented 5 years ago

The folks over at has the same kind of auto-play that continues to the next lesson. Works pretty well, i've went through some of their online courses.

As far as i can see they are running wordpress with this theme:

calvincorreli commented 5 years ago

That's good info. Thanks, Tue.

lauragrubbdk commented 5 years ago


I hope it'll be possible to implement it since I've had several customers request it.