Simplero / Roadmap

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Add a BCC field for e-mails #49

Open lrt-danielat opened 7 years ago

lrt-danielat commented 7 years ago

A BCC field for the e-mails and broadcasts, maybe even a BCC that we can set-up globally for our account would be very helpful for us. This would make it very easy to merge the information about the e-mails a contact received from our Simplero account with other CRMs that we're using.

Thanks a lot!

calvincorreli commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure I understand. This way, whenever you send a broadcast to a thousand recipients, the BCC address would get a thousand near-identical emails?

christophcemper commented 7 years ago

Yes, this would be needed to feed all those thousands of emails to the matching CRM records in our CRM.

We want to have a consistent view of all communication with the client, even if it comes from automated systems like simplero.