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A simple way to implement Facebook and Google login in your iOS apps.
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Modals and safaryViewController bug #26

Closed Alex293 closed 10 months ago

Alex293 commented 7 years ago


I'm using modals in my projects and if I use simplicity to open the safariController It dismiss my modals so its not convenient from the user point of view. I've fixed it by adding :

safari?.modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen

just before topController?.present(safari!, animated: true, completion: nil)

in presentSafariView(_ url:) in Simplicity class

As safariView is present over full screen anyway I don't think there are drawbacks to do so. Can I have you point of view on this ?

edjiang commented 7 years ago

Yeah, it seems like right now how the views are presented can cause problems in certain hierarchies. Doesn't seem like your approach will have problems, though!

edjiang commented 7 years ago

Hey @Alex293, I'm trying to look into this again, and can't replicate when Simplicity will dismiss your modals for you. Perhaps I'm not thinking of the correct view hierarchy where it may accidentally do that. Can you please give me a way to reproduce your problem? Thanks!