SimplicityMobile / Simplicity

A simple way to implement Facebook and Google login in your iOS apps.
Apache License 2.0
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Facebook returns AccessToken with no E-Mail-Information #29

Closed quiKsilverItaly closed 7 years ago

quiKsilverItaly commented 7 years ago

I did this:

let facebook = Facebook()
facebook.scopes = ["email"]

Simplicity.login(facebook) { (accessToken, error) in
//do something

After getting the AccessToken back, I make a HTTP-Request with this URL: and get following result:

{ "name": "My Name", "id": "10972xxxxxxx718" }

No E-Mail information.. any ideas? I also tried the default way: Simplicity.login(Facebook())

quiKsilverItaly commented 7 years ago

Sorry the next time I will use Google first.


edjiang commented 7 years ago

Glad you figured it out!