SimplicityMobile / Simplicity

A simple way to implement Facebook and Google login in your iOS apps.
Apache License 2.0
681 stars 66 forks source link #3

Closed TrueMax closed 7 years ago

TrueMax commented 8 years ago

If their API is not well-documented in English, I can help.

edjiang commented 8 years ago

Cool, looks like it should be pretty straightforward since they support the implicit flow for native clients:

You might even be able to use it right now by creating a generic OAuth 2 Provider object. Documentation here:

edjiang commented 7 years ago

VK is live on Cocoapods under 1.0.2!

Keep in mind with the new cocoapods, you might have to manually pod update to see the new version.

Simplicity.login(VKontakte()) { (accessToken, error) in
  // Handle access token here