SimplicityMobile / Simplicity

A simple way to implement Facebook and Google login in your iOS apps.
Apache License 2.0
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App will crash if the fb scheme isn't first in CFBundleURLSchemes #38

Open Vinzius opened 6 years ago

Vinzius commented 6 years ago

Hey !

First, thanks for your lib 👍

I noticed that if you don't put the fb scheme in the CFBundleURLSchemes list, then the app will produce an error / crash (at least it'll go to preconditionFailure).

Reason if that at this line let urlSchemes = urlTypes.flatMap({($0["CFBundleURLSchemes"] as? [String])?.first }) you take .first, instead you could do a reduce instead of the flatMap.

Would you merge a PR if I were to submit one?

Thanks, Vincent

edjiang commented 6 years ago

Sure, go for it!

Vinzius commented 6 years ago

Thanks, I'll do that this week! :-)

edjiang commented 6 years ago

There's probably some maintenance needed for this project for iOS 11 as well... converting to Swift 3.2/4, and using the new SFAuthenticationSession now that SFVC is no longer persisting auth data across apps.

Vinzius commented 6 years ago

Hey @edjiang

I'm a bit late, but I'll soon submit a PR for Swift 4.1 + iOS 11.
