SimulaVR / Simula

Linux VR Desktop
MIT License
2.91k stars 87 forks source link

varjo aero #163

Open almostnobody opened 2 years ago

almostnobody commented 2 years ago

how does it compare to SimulaOne is it likely to be working with SimulaVR? Is there any chance SimulaOne will support eye tracking?

georgewsinger commented 2 years ago

Simula originally reached out to Varjo to help us gain compatibility with their headsets. They turned us down when they realized we were on a Linux platform. In fact this was one of the catalysts of us deciding to work on our own headsets.

There's a good chance the Simula One will support eye tracking.

almostnobody commented 2 years ago

I hope it will and you will succeed in making it.