SimulaVR / Simula

Linux VR Desktop
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Simula windows should launch as squares #86

Closed georgewsinger closed 5 years ago

georgewsinger commented 5 years ago

Some windows (i.e., firefox & midori) launch too rectangularly (i.e., aspect ratios too far away from 1), which causes them to rotate awkwardly with our current levitation mechanics:

georgewsinger commented 5 years ago

:heavy_check_mark: Simula surfaces now launch as squares. Just pushed the code.

Fixing the root cause of this problem. Forcing windows to spawn as squares is a short-term solution. The root cause is tweaking our window movement mechanics. @lboklin in Simula chat:

Re: rotational issues for rectangular windows: I think the solution is to change the physics/mechanics to work properly. It's probably my rotation math that is bad in some place

@lboklin, I'm assuming the relevant piece of code to tweak is:

manipulate :: Bool -> Float -> Telekinesis -> IO Telekinesis
manipulate isMove factor tk = do
  tf@(TF bs pos) <- tk & _tkController & G.get_global_transform >>= fromLowLevel
    & _tkBody
    & \case
        Just (body, _) -> do
          mass   <- G.get_mass body
          weight <- G.get_weight body

            TF lastBs lastPos = _tkLastTransform tk
            power = mass * factor * factor * _tkStrength tk :: Float
            tScale = 0.01 -- Too sensitive otherwise

            -- Angular impulse around each axis
            tImpX = cross (lastBs ^. _z) (bs ^. _z) ^* power * tScale
            tImpY = cross (lastBs ^. _x) (bs ^. _x) ^* power * tScale
            tImpZ = cross (lastBs ^. _y) (bs ^. _y) ^* power * tScale

            -- Linear impulse
            lImp = power *^ (pos - lastPos)

            totalImp =
              if isMove then norm $ tImpX + tImpY + tImpZ + lImp else 0
            rumble = 0.001 * (weight + totalImp)

          when isMove $ do
            G.apply_torque_impulse body =<< toLowLevel tImpX
            G.apply_torque_impulse body =<< toLowLevel tImpY
            G.apply_torque_impulse body =<< toLowLevel tImpZ

            p <- toLowLevel zero
            G.apply_impulse body p =<< toLowLevel lImp

          return tk { _tkLastTransform = tf, _tkRumble = rumble }

        Nothing -> return tk { _tkLastTransform = tf, _tkRumble = 0 }

It would be nice if we could figure out a way to change these variables live in the Godot editor to accelerate the iteration feedback loop.