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Using xmove/xpra with Simula #89

Closed georgewsinger closed 4 years ago

georgewsinger commented 4 years ago

Problem: When Simula dies, it takes all of its apps down with it. It would be nice to find a way to (i) prevent Simula crashes from taking apps down with it and/or (ii) moving (or even mirroring) running apps from Simula to the user's host window manager.

xmove. xmove is a "computer program that allows the movement of X Window System applications between different displays and the persistence of X applications across X server restarts". The problem with xmove is that I can't find it in Ubuntu's package manager, and it doesn't look like it's been updated since 1997.

xpra. xpra offers similar functionality as xmove:

xpra or X Persistent Remote Applications is a tool which runs X clients, typically on a remote host, and directs their display to the local machine without losing any state.[2]

It differs from standard X forwarding in that it allows disconnection and reconnection without disrupting the forwarded application.

Using xpra.

  1. Host machine.

    xpra start :13
  2. Remote machine. The "remote" machine can be same as the host machine (and in Simula's case this should be true).

    xpra attach :13
    # To launch apps:
    DISPLAY=:13 firefox

The problem is that we need to send apps to DISPLAY=:2 for them to run in Simula's XWayland. Perhaps launching a terminal within Simula

DISPLAY=:2 xfce4-terminal

and then, within that terminal, launching an app via xpra

DISPLAY=:13 gedit

will do the trick?

georgewsinger commented 4 years ago

:heavy_check_mark: xpra successfully works in Simula. I ran this on my Ubuntu 19.04 setup and it worked:

sudo apt-get install xpra

xpra start :13 &            # Within GNOME
# Launch Simula
DISPLAY=:2 xpra attach :13  # Within GNOME or Simula
DISPLAY=:13 firefox         # Within GNOME or Simula

# To ever terminate xpra run:
xpra stop                   # Within GNOME or Simula

Here is a video of it in action:

Automating xpra on Simula launch. The question now is how can we automate this so that user's don't have to go through all of this pain every time they launch Simula? Right now when Simula users run make run they get:

run: godot
  cd addons/godot-haskell-plugin && make run ; cd -

A naive solution would be to add

run: godot
  xpra stop
  xpra start :13 &
  cd addons/godot-haskell-plugin && make run ; cd -
  DISPLAY=:2 xpra attach :13

so that when Simula launches users will always have the option of launching apps on xpra's DISPLAY=:13. The problem with this is that (i) Makefile commands aren't run in order but in parallel (so we'd have to jam these commands in a shell function); (ii) there's no guarantee that the call to DISPLAY=:2 xpra attach :13 will happen after the XWayland server has actually started. We might have to call these commands from within Haskell.

georgewsinger commented 4 years ago

For reference: the manual way of using xpra with Simula (that works w/o issue). I'm here assuming that (i) your primary GNOME display is :1 and (ii) when Simula launches, it puts XWayland on :2 (this is always the case on my machine).

DISPLAY=:1 xpra start :13 & # Within GNOME

# Launch Simula

DISPLAY=:2 xpra attach :13  # Within GNOME or Simula
DISPLAY=:13 firefox         # Within GNOME or Simula

# To retrieve apps from Simula in GNOME run:
DISPLAY=:1 xpra attach :13

# To ever terminate xpra run:
xpra stop 

Attempting to launch xpra automatically on Simula launch. I tried adjusting ready in SimulaServer.hs as follows:

-- SimulaServer.hs
ready :: GodotSimulaServer -> [GodotVariant] -> IO ()
ready gss _ = do
  -- ..
  oldDisplay <- getEnv "DISPLAY"  
  createProcess (shell "xpra stop") -- Terminate any old xpra sessions
  createProcess (shell "xpra start :13") { new_session = True }
  G.start_xwayland wlrXWayland wlrCompositorGV wlrSeatGV -- Changes our DISPLAY to :2
  newDisplay <- getEnv "DISPLAY" -- Should be :2
  createProcess (shell "xpra attach :13") { env = Just [("DISPLAY", newDisplay)] }
  -- ...

which yield weird console warnings/errors involving opencv, cups, pulseaudio, vmware, etc:

Entering daemon mode; any further errors will be reported to:
2019-11-01 19:34:52,169 Xpra gtk2 client version 2.4.3-r21350M 64-bit
2019-11-01 19:34:52,170  running on Linux Ubuntu 19.04 disco
2019-11-01 19:34:52,170  window manager is 'wlroots wm'
2019-11-01 19:34:52,182 Warning: failed to import opencv:
2019-11-01 19:34:52,182  No module named cv2
2019-11-01 19:34:52,182  webcam forwarding is disabled
server requested disconnect:
 server shutdown
Error: printing disabled:
 No module named cups
2019-11-01 19:34:52 - [xwayland/xwm.c:923] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (668)
2019-11-01 19:34:52 - [xwayland/xwm.c:792] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (6291457)
SimulaViewSprite Constructor called
2019-11-01 19:34:52 - [xwayland/xwm.c:923] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291457)
2019-11-01 19:34:52 - [xwayland/xwm.c:688] unhandled X11 property 34 (WM_COMMAND) for window 6291457
2019-11-01 19:34:52 - [xwayland/xwm.c:923] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291457)
2019-11-01 19:34:52 - [xwayland/xwm.c:688] unhandled X11 property 36 (WM_CLIENT_MACHINE) for window 6291457
2019-11-01 19:34:52 - [xwayland/xwm.c:923] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291457)
2019-11-01 19:34:52 - [xwayland/xwm.c:368] XCB_ATOM_WM_CLASS: Xpra-Audio-query Xpra-Audio-query
2019-11-01 19:34:52 - [xwayland/xwm.c:923] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291457)
2019-11-01 19:34:52 - [xwayland/xwm.c:688] unhandled X11 property 302 (WM_LOCALE_NAME) for window 6291457
2019-11-01 19:34:52 - [xwayland/xwm.c:923] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (6291457)
2019-11-01 19:34:52 - [xwayland/xwm.c:456] NET_WM_PID 16626
Warning: failed to query pulseaudio using 'pactl info'
 Connection failure: Connection refused
 pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused
Warning: failed to query pulseaudio using 'pactl info'
 Connection failure: Connection refused
 pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused
2019-11-01 19:34:52 - [xwayland/xwm.c:806] XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY (6291457)
2019-11-01 19:34:52,810 GStreamer version 1.15.90 for Python 2.7.16 64-bit
2019-11-01 19:34:52,823 Warning: failed to query pulseaudio using 'pactl info'
2019-11-01 19:34:52,823  Connection failure: Connection refused
2019-11-01 19:34:52,824  pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused
2019-11-01 19:34:52 - [xwayland/xwm.c:792] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (6291457)
SimulaViewSprite Constructor called
xpra at :13 has exited.
2019-11-01 19:35:17,861 failed to instantiate the dbus notification handler:
2019-11-01 19:35:17,861  org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
2019-11-01 19:35:17,862  disable notifications to avoid this warning
2019-11-01 19:35:17,912 No OpenGL_accelerate module loaded: No module named OpenGL_accelerate
2019-11-01 19:35:18 - [xwayland/xwm.c:923] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (668)
2019-11-01 19:35:18 - [xwayland/xwm.c:923] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (668)
2019-11-01 19:35:18 - [xwayland/xwm.c:792] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (4194307)
SimulaViewSprite Constructor called
2019-11-01 19:35:18 - [xwayland/xwm.c:923] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (4194305)
2019-11-01 19:35:18 - [xwayland/xwm.c:418] XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME: xpra
2019-11-01 19:35:18 - [xwayland/xwm.c:923] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (4194305)
2019-11-01 19:35:18 - [xwayland/xwm.c:923] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (4194307)
2019-11-01 19:35:18 - [xwayland/xwm.c:616] MOTIF_WM_HINTS (5)
2019-11-01 19:35:18 - [xwayland/xwm.c:923] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (4194307)
2019-11-01 19:35:18 - [xwayland/xwm.c:688] unhandled X11 property 341 (WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS) for window 4194307
2019-11-01 19:35:18 - [xwayland/xwm.c:806] XCB_DESTROY_NOTIFY (4194307)
2019-11-01 19:35:18,053 Error: gtkgl rendering failed its sanity checks:
2019-11-01 19:35:18,053  vendor 'VMware, Inc.' is blacklisted!
2019-11-01 19:35:18 - [xwayland/xwm.c:792] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (4194362)
SimulaViewSprite Constructor called
2019-11-01 19:35:18,061 OpenGL accelerated rendering is not available:
2019-11-01 19:35:18,061  vendor 'VMware, Inc.' is blacklisted!
2019-11-01 19:35:18 - [xwayland/xwm.c:792] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (4194366)
2019-11-01 19:35:18,081 Error: printing disabled:
2019-11-01 19:35:18,081  No module named cups
SimulaViewSprite Constructor called
xpra initialization error:
 cannot find live server for display :13

as well as the following behavior:

  1. Whether xpra works on launch seems to be indeterministic: sometimes xpra works and sometimes it doesn't (so far it seems to work every other time).
  2. When launching apps to xpra (e.g., DISPLAY=:13 firefox), there is a 5+ second delay for the app to be received by Simula (compared to instantenous app launching when not using xpra).
  3. When launching xterm to Simula (e.g., DISPLAY=:13 xterm), xterm is black instead of white, and launches with the following popup errors: (i) "Xpra OpenGL Acceleratoin Failure: vendor VMWare is blacklisted"; (ii) "DPI Issue".
  4. Popups appear as blank:

Main question now: why would xpra work when launched manually within Simula but not automatically from Haskell calls?