SimulatedGREG / electron-vue

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console.log Unable to display output #898

Open AaronChengHao opened 5 years ago

AaronChengHao commented 5 years ago

problem type

Bug Report or Feature Request Information about PicGo Windows

problem recurrence

I wrote a console.log in the index.js file in main, but when I executed NPM run dev, the command line console did not display the contents of console.log image image

PasserbyFluid commented 5 years ago

别用中文 。no Chinese. 英文输出正常

AaronChengHao commented 5 years ago

别用中文 。no Chinese. 英文输出正常


michalzaq12 commented 5 years ago

The Chinese character is ignored during display logs.

AaronChengHao commented 5 years ago

@michalzaq12 Hello, console.log isn't it directly exported?