Simulation-Software-Engineering / Lecture-Material

Material for the Simulation Software Engineering Lecture
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Potential improvements to the virtualization/containers lecture #202

Open MakisH opened 3 weeks ago

MakisH commented 3 weeks ago

Some notes from my impression from this year:

I also found it useful to have an overview of commands on the blackboard:

# Overview

## Vagrant

vagrant init bento/ubuntu-24.04

vagrant up
vagrant provision
vagrant ssh

vagrant global-status
vagrant box list

## Docker

docker pull ubuntu:24.04
docker run -it ubuntu:24.04
docker exec -it ubuntu:24.04 /bin/bash

docker image ls
docker ps -a

## Singularity

apptainer pull docker://ubuntu:24.04

apptainer shell ubuntu_24.04.sif
apptainer exec ubuntu_24.04.sif /bin/bash

Any feedback by students is welcome here as well.