Sinaptik-AI / pandas-ai

Chat with your database (SQL, CSV, pandas, polars, mongodb, noSQL, etc). PandasAI makes data analysis conversational using LLMs (GPT 3.5 / 4, Anthropic, VertexAI) and RAG.
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Unable To Generate Schema: InvalidLLMOutputType (Response validation failed!) #1265

Open mayankagarwal19911 opened 2 weeks ago

mayankagarwal19911 commented 2 weeks ago

System Info

pandasai 2.2.8 Python 3.9.6

🐛 Describe the bug

Sample code

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["column1"], data=[["value1"]]) df.head() semantic_agent = SemanticAgent(dfs=df) print(semantic_agent._schema)


in BaseAgent.call_llm_with_prompt(self, prompt) return result else: raise InvalidLLMOutputType("Response validation failed!") except Exception: if ( not self.context.config.use_error_correction_framework or retry_count >= self.context.config.max_retries - 1 ):

dosubot[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Hello, @mayankagarwal19911! I'm here to assist you with any bugs, questions, or contributions you may have. Let's tackle this issue together!

To resolve the InvalidLLMOutputType: Response validation failed! error and successfully generate the schema using pandasai 2.2.8 and Python 3.9.6, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the Template Correctly Specifies the Expected Output Type: Modify the template in pandasai/prompts/templates/correct_output_type_error_prompt.tmpl to ensure it specifies the expected output type.

    {% for df in context.dfs %}{% set index = loop.index %}{% include 'shared/dataframe.tmpl' with context %}{% endfor %}
    The user asked the following question:
    You generated this python code:
    Fix the python code above and return the new python code but the result type should be: {{output_type}}
  2. Set the Correct Output Type in Your Context: Ensure that the output_type variable is correctly set to the expected type in your context. For example, if you expect a DataFrame, output_type should be set to DataFrame.

    from jinja2 import Template
    template_str = """
    {% for df in context.dfs %}{% set index = loop.index %}{% include 'shared/dataframe.tmpl' with context %}{% endfor %}
    The user asked the following question:
    You generated this python code:
    Fix the python code above and return the new python code but the result type should be: {{output_type}}
    context = {
       'dfs': [df],  # Your DataFrame
       'memory': memory,  # Your conversation memory
       'code': generated_code,  # The generated Python code
       'output_type': 'DataFrame'  # The expected output type
    template = Template(template_str)
    corrected_code = template.render(context=context)
  3. Handle Validation in call_llm_with_prompt Method: Ensure that the call_llm_with_prompt method in your BaseAgent class correctly handles the validation of the output type. The method should retry the prompt if the validation fails.

    def call_llm_with_prompt(self, prompt: BasePrompt):
       retry_count = 0
       while retry_count < self.context.config.max_retries:
               result: str =
               if prompt.validate(result):
                   return result
                   raise InvalidLLMOutputType("Response validation failed!")
           except Exception:
               if (
                   not self.context.config.use_error_correction_framework
                   or retry_count >= self.context.config.max_retries - 1
               retry_count += 1
  4. Generate and Validate the Schema: Ensure that the schema generation and validation are correctly implemented in the SemanticAgent class.

    def _create_schema(self):
       if self._schema:
           self.logger.log(f"using user provided schema: {self._schema}")
       key = self._get_schema_cache_key()
       if self.config.enable_cache:
           value = self._schema_cache.get(key)
           if value is not None:
               self._schema = json.loads(value)
               self.logger.log(f"using schema: {self._schema}")
       prompt = GenerateDFSchemaPrompt(context=self.context)
       result = self.call_llm_with_prompt(prompt)
       self.logger.log(f"Initializing Schema:  {result}")
       self._schema = result.replace("# SAMPLE SCHEMA", "")
       schema_data = extract_json_from_json_str(result.replace("# SAMPLE SCHEMA", ""))
       if isinstance(schema_data, dict):
           schema_data = [schema_data]
       self._schema = schema_data
       if self.config.enable_cache:
           self._schema_cache.set(key, json.dumps(self._schema))
       self.logger.log(f"using schema: {self._schema}")
  5. Ensure Correct Output Type Validation: Ensure that your generated code produces a result dictionary with the correct type and value fields that match the expected output type.

    class DataFrameOutputType(BaseOutputType):
       def template_hint(self):
           return """type (must be "dataframe"), value must be pd.DataFrame or pd.Series. Example: { "type": "dataframe", "value": pd.DataFrame({...}) }"""
       def name(self):
           return "dataframe"
       def _validate_value(self, actual_value: Any) -> bool:
           return bool(df_type(actual_value))

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the InvalidLLMOutputType: Response validation failed! error and successfully generate the schema [1][2][3][4].

To continue talking to Dosu, mention @dosu.

pratik9409 commented 1 week ago

1265 Will like to solve this bug

gventuri commented 1 week ago

@pratik9409 sure, thanks a lot for the availability, I've assigned it to you! :D

pratik9409 commented 2 days ago

Testing with a simple DataFrame

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Empdata"], data=[[1], [2]])



Create an instance of the SemanticAgent with the provided dataframe

semantic_agent = SemanticAgent(dfs=df)
#  Print the generated schema

except InvalidLLMOutputType as e:

If the LLM fails to generate a valid schema, catch the InvalidLLMOutputType exception

print(f"Error: {e}")  # Print the error message
print("Using fallback schema...")  # Inform the user that a fallback schema will be used
