Sinar / hr-censorship-dashboard

Human Rights Internet Censorship Dashboard using OONI API
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Use Case - Digital Rights Defender - Request legal or official explanation challenging censorship #17

Open kaerumy opened 6 years ago

kaerumy commented 6 years ago

Use Case: Digital Rights Defender - Request legal or official explanation challenging censorship

Revision History

Primary Actor:

Digital Rights Defender

Stakeholders and Interests

The interests of non-users related to these user story


Conditions that need to happen before user starts this task/story

Success Guarantee (Post condition)

What happens if user story is successfully completed

Digital Rights Defender is able to cite historical list of past and current sites being blocked along with supporting technical evidence for articles, formal complaint or legal challenge.

Main success scenario (Basic Flow)

  1. Access main website and access country dashboard
  2. Access country page
  3. Select Reports - Censored Sites by Date
  4. Picks a date (defaults to latest) and gets table sortable by headers
  5. Able to print or share this list in human readable format

Extensions (Alternate Flows)

  1. Alternate step for Step 2.

Special Requirements

Any other special requirements such as equipment, accessibility etc.

Technology and Data Variations List:

Tech devices, environment etc. data collected etc.

Current table listing view


Frequency of Occurrence:

How often does this story occur?

2-3 times a year in Malaysia, usually before parliament is in session

Open Issues

Any open/unresolved issues

kaerumy commented 6 years ago

Current OONI Explorer doesn't provide current or historical blocked status of site in table view
