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Document viewer not able to convert images for preview #7

Open kaerumy opened 2 years ago

kaerumy commented 2 years ago
2022-03-03 11:04:24,707 ERROR   [collective.documentviewer:796][waitress-1] Err$r converting PDF:                                                               

Traceback (most recent call last):                                                File "/opt/tumpangtanya/eggs/collective.documentviewer-6.0.1-py3.8.egg/collect
ive/documentviewer/", line 770, in __call__                           
    pages = self.run_conversion()       
  File "/opt/tumpangtanya/eggs/collective.documentviewer-6.0.1-py3.8.egg/collective/documentviewer/", line 591, in run_conversion                     
    return sc.convert(self.storage_dir, **args)                                 
  File "/opt/tumpangtanya/eggs/collective.documentviewer-6.0.1-py3.8.egg/collect
ive/documentviewer/", line 491, in convert                            
    loffice.convert_to_pdf(path, filename, output_dir)                          
  File "/opt/tumpangtanya/eggs/collective.documentviewer-6.0.1-py3.8.egg/collect
ive/documentviewer/", line 406, in convert_to_pdf
  File "/opt/tumpangtanya/eggs/collective.documentviewer-6.0.1-py3.8.egg/collective/documentviewer/", line 119, in _run_command               
    raise Exception(error)                                                      
Exception: Command                                                              
/usr/bin/soffice --headless --convert-to pdf /tmp/tmpsif1nia7/dump.jpeg --outdir
finished with return code                                                       77                                                                              
and output:                             
                                                                                javaldx failed!                                                                 
Warning: failed to read path from javaldx                                       

(process:251055): dconf-CRITICAL **: 11:04:24.694: unable to create directory '/var/www/.cache/dconf': Permission denied.  dconf will not work properly.        
LibreOffice 6.4 - Fatal Error: The application cannot be started.               
User installation could not be completed.